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East Canton Girls Softball Association: ECGSA

Disciplinary Action Policy

Policy Overview

East Canton Girls Softball Association, (also known as ECGSA)'s discipline policy explains the steps we  (the Executive Board of the ECGSA program) will take to address athletes' failure to comply with our policies and standards and/or misconduct in regards to our Code of Conduct agreement.
This policy applies to all ECGSA athletes.. 

At-Will Participant

Although we may try to follow our discipline policy as outlined below, athletes within ECGSA are "at-will", and can be removed from the organization due to behavior at any time if deemed in the best interest of the organization and our players, and can be done so without a hearing.

Progressive Discipline Steps

Our disciplinary process CAN move through the following 5 steps:

  1. Verbal warning

  2. Formal written warning

  3. Formal disciplinary meeting

  4. Suspension or loss of privileges on the team

  5. Termination/ removal from program                                                                                                

  6. Board members and coaches will document each step in this process. All documentation must be filed with the ECGSA board President and Secretary. It must also be maintained within the coaches binder throughout the remainder of the season. Coaches and the executive board of ECGSA will meet with the player before making decisions regarding steps 4 and 5. 


Players will be informed of any disciplinary action, of what stage they are in, the consequences of further violations, and corrective actions they can take.

Steps may be repeated at the discretion of the ECGSA executive board. Steps may also be skipped over based on the severity of the infraction. These will be determined on a case by case basis.

Understanding the 5 Steps

Step 1: Players should receive verbal warnings in private unless it is determined that the infraction demands a more severe or immediate punishment and the verbal and written warning  step is not deemed appropriate for the infraction committed.  The exact nature of what took place and why it is in violation of our code of conduct, or how it falls short of ECGSA's expectations should be explained. ECGSA expects our student athletes to adhere to a higher standard and that they represent ECGSA in a positive manner at all times. Failure to do so should be explained, along with proper corrective actions. Parents should be notified that the warning was given. 

Step 2: The Executive Board or coach should use a disciplinary action form to describe the incident and corrective actions when necessary. The player should read the form and sign that they received it. 

Step 3: The player, coach and a parent may meet to discuss the problem. The executive Board investigates the problem. The player is informed that after this point punitive action may take place, up to, and including termination/removal from the organization.

Step 4: The player may receive penalties, such as the loss of certain privileges, suspension from some or all practices or games,  or other appropriate penalties deemed appropriate for the incident in question. 

Step 5: Players who do not correct their behavior at this point may be removed from the ECGSA organization. The final decision to terminate will be approved by the ECGSA Executive Board after an investigation to ensure fairness.

The East Canton Girls Softball Association's progressive discipline plan may begin at any step depending on the severity of the offense. For example, players with tardiness to practices or games will begin at step 1, mistakes that cause major disruptions at practice or games may begin at step 3.

Drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes or vaping,  ingesting any illegal substances  in any manner,  or other illegal or dangerous behavior may go directly to step 5. 

The ECGSA progressive discipline policy is meant only to provide guidelines and is not 100%  always going to be followed from step 1 to 5. Each infraction will be examined on an individual basis. There are obviously many variables that can and will impact the outcome of the procedure. We will determine the impact of the players actions in order to come up with an appropriate outcome. This is on a case by case basis. Examples of variables are, but not limited to such things as: level of intoxication, intoxicant used, severity of the players infraction as it pertains to the Code of Conduct, impact on the players teammates and coaches and the number of infractions a player has had previously. These are examples only and not a complete list of variables that will go into the determination for the progression of discipline used.

Players right to appeal

Players who believe they were not treated properly may appeal and disciplinary decisions with The Executive Board and ask the all members at large and trustees of the board are also present. 


Actions of the board

  • The player is notified either verbally or in writing of the disciplinary action being taken  and the reasons behind them

  • Apply written warning to any infractions deemed not harmful or of gross misconduct

  • ECGSA can request a change in players behavior in order for the player to remain a part of the organization

  • The length of the punishment will be given to player and parents This is on a case by case basis  

  • The consequences of any further misconduct or their failure to comply to the requested and required disciplinary process, will be spelled out in the meeting and will be documented 

  • a record of proceeding will be kept by the secretary of ECGSA and will be kept on file with the board and the coach


The outcome

The outcome of the disciplinary hearing will not be discussed with outside parties and will remain confidential. The ECGSA board can only discuss our outcome with the parties involved. This may include the school when necessary. If this is the case, ECGSA will inform both the player and the parent that this will take place and both will be given the opportunity to be present at  that time. Breaching the confidentiality of the hearing can and will result in further disciplinary actions leading up to removal from the organization. It is our goal to provide the player with a solution that we both can agree to and it will be expected by ECGSA that the player upholds their part of the agreement in order to remain in the organization. We expect this to be a one time incident. If there are any additional infractions by the player, they will be immediately dismissed and they will not have another hearing. 

The outcome of the hearing is not to be discussed by the player with her teammates. Anyone that requests information should be informed that the hearing is confidential and should be directed to the player's coach or to the executive board directly.

Players are expected to abide by the ECGSA Code of Conduct at all times during the season. This means both on and off the field. Not only does the Code of Conduct apply, but so does all State, local and federal laws regarding illicit drugs and alcohol. 

When considering the outcome of any drug, nicotine and alcohol related offenses, all cases will be contextualized. This means that not all violations will be resolved in the exact same manner. Each case will be evaluated individually based on the offense, its seriousness and its effects on the player, team and organization. 


ECGSA reserves the right to request player participation in a drug and alcohol education class. ECGSA may also request that the player submit to a random drug test if it is determined or suspected that the player may be partaking in said offenses. This would be at the expense of the player's parents who would  also be administering said test to their player with an ECGSA board member or coach present at the time, merely as a witness. 

Contact Us


EAST CANTON, Ohio 44730

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 330-705-1636
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